Mother of All Mavens

A whole lot o' nothing. And then some…

My name is MOAM, and I’m an addict.

It’s the bullet. The Magic Bullet. I’ve been shot.

Huh? You don’t know from Bullet? Wha? Where have you been? Obviously not hanging out in flea markets or watching late-night shopping channels. Well, neither have I. So there.

Neither grinder nor blender, cuisinart nor mixer, it’s combo. A sit-on-the-counter, throw-in-your-dishwasher, who-knew combo.

My intro to the Bullet came through a friend. A friend with fantastic taste and an immaculate kitchen. She swears by the Bullet. Claims she uses it every day. Don’t ask how we got on to the subject. I haven’t a clue. I don’t know how I end up talking about half the crap I come up with. I just do. But back to the Bullet….So she swears by this thing and I humour her. Like I need another gadget.

And then I went trolling through my mom’s house looking for an extra hand held blender. Yes, she stocks small household items in her house. My job is not to ask why. But if she’s got an extra Braun, I’m all over it. Turns out, she didn’t. But what she did have, sitting on her counter in all it’s TV-endorsed packaging glory, was The Magic Bullet.

Again with the Magic Bullet!

Call it fate, call it curiosity, or call it shamelss consumerism, whatever. The Bullet came home with me. And then…and then it sat on my counter, in its box for a week or so. I didn’t get it. I didn’t buy it – literally or figuratively – so I was hardly impressed. Until one Saturday afternoon. It was freezing. It was snowing. I was home alone, and I opened it. And I made a Pina Colada. I did! And I was hooked – on cocktails, maybe. On the Bullet, for sure.

Sucker for smoothies? Now you can make ’em, in about 30 seconds. And you can customize them too in yur own Magic Bullet mugs. It come with four. Pop your ingredients in, screw on the blender bottom and, well, bottoms up. Salad dressing? Five seconds or less. Grating cheese? (I didn’t think I’d do it either, but I did). Done like, well, dinner. And it even comes with a shaker top, should you be so inclined. Throw in a garlic clove, a handful of brocolli and some chicken stock. Put on the steamer lid and pop it in the microwave for two minutes(carcinogens be damned). Then, press, presto – soup! Chopped herbs? Check. Salsa? Check. Hummous, fat-free hummous, bean dip and guac? Check, check, check and check. You can also grind coffee beans, nuts, and – god knows who would or why – meat. It’s incredible. It’s handy. Abracadabra!


I now call my friend, the original Bullet-head, for the daily Bullet report. And it’s not just me. My Man has also, erm, bitten the Bullet. He’s ready to go all Oprah and buy one for everyone. (Don’t get too excited. It’ll never happen. ) But we’ll stand proud and say it loud: we’re a Magic Bullet Family.

Look, I know you think I’ve become an infomercial. And I kind of have. Without the show. Or the daily make-up ‘n hair. Or the big pay day. But what can I tell you? I’m obsessed. And you will be too. For now, forever, or until the next great American gadget comes along….


Anonymous said…

I’m sold! What time is the infomercial???? I’ve got my credit card out and I’m ready to chop some brocolli. If all else fails, you’d make a mighty fine saleswoman.

10:21 AM

Anonymous said…

MAGIC BULLET? It ‘s changed our lives!!!!!!
Our whole family that is! We look for ways to bullet!
Who is the most original? who is the fastest? Those that keep it on the counter qualify! Those that keep it in a drawer don’t count!!!!!!
You know that neighbour friend of yours, the one who Bullets everything? Yup, she is our family winner!!!!
Keep Bulleting and we will let you in on our contests!
xxxxx j

5:32 PM

Anonymous said…

Thanks MOAM– now I’ll be singing “Choppin’ Brocolli” for days!

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